Man Dies After Three-Vehicle Accident on Elkhorn Boulevard, Foothill Farms

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Written By Emmanuel Rivera

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A three-vehicle crash in Foothill Farms last week resulted in the death of a man after a pickup truck collided with a van, causing a chain reaction, according to the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

The accident occurred around 2:40 p.m. on Friday on Elkhorn Boulevard, east of Andrea Boulevard. A pickup truck traveling east failed to notice a vehicle in front and rear-ended a van, said Officer Justin Fetterly, a spokesperson for the CHP’s North Sacramento office.

The impact caused the van to hit a pole, and its driver was rushed to the hospital, Fetterly added. The pickup truck then collided with another car, a sedan, which was in front of the van and also traveling in the same direction.

Fortunately, the drivers of the pickup truck and sedan were not injured.

The van’s driver, Charles Bourassa, 76, of Sacramento, died the following day at the hospital, according to the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office.

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